1. Which Self Are You Talking About?

    There has been a lot of conversation in discussion groups recently about which typology instrument to use and the upsides and downsides of using any typology instrument or framework. One of the downsides is the tendency to typecast in ways that limit behavior. I blogged earlier about holding the lenses lightly, which helps. Introducing any type lens in a way that creates safety and maximizes growth has always been one of the most important things we teach practitioners to do. There are many ways we’ve devised that help. Here is one of the most important. Start with setting the frame. If you don’t get participants or clients into the appropriate mind set for exploring their own type, you may as well not bother. There are many concepts to cover there, but the most powerful one is the different selves. Here is an explanation from the draft of my upcoming book, The Communication Zone. Your Many Selves It is helpful to think about the many aspects of your personality as your many “selves.”  You probably already think of yourself in terms of how you are in different roles such as employee, boss, parent, friend, spouse, child, sibling and so on. Yet,...
  2. Happy Valentine’s Day

    I’m doing a webinar for the Association for Psychological Type-international’s eChapter on Tuesday, February 12 on Building Relationships. (You might still be able to register for that program.) As I prepared my handout and visuals, it occurred to me that coincidentally Valentine’s Day is this week! While Valentine’s Day is typically focused on romantic relationships, it is a good time for us to think about all of our relationships.
  3. The Curriculum

    2013 here we come! We’ve put together a whole curriculum. This is the first curriculum of its kind so check it out. We will be adding courses and scheduling more courses. Below is a partial list of the events planned for 2013.  Soon you will be able to register for programs on the website. For now, if you are interested in registering or need to register right away please call 714-625-9475 or email support(at)lindaberens.com. Web-Based Learning Events for personal and professional development. The schedule will be set to start in late January/early February. On-line: The Communication Zone® Workshops The series starts with a free 2-hour workshop on January 25 (1-3 pm PST) or January 30 (12-2 pm PST). This first round will be offered on Fridays at 1 pm PST with discounted pricing if you register for the series. They will be recorded so if you miss one, you will still have access to the learning. Read more about them here. Getting Into The Communication Zone—Jan. 25 or Jan. 30 Contact us to register. Building Rapport 1: What’s Your Interaction Style? Building Rapport 2: What Are Your Interaction Style Dynamics? Building Relationships 1: What Are Your Essential Motivators (aka temperament)?...
  4. Insights from the Storm

    On October 28, 2012 my colleagues and I left New York City just ahead of the hurricane. The tension was palpable, but all went smoothly. We arrived in Boston with plenty of time to catch the chartered bus to the Theory U/Presencing workshop at the Wequasett Resort on Cape Cod for 5 days. At dinner, during introductions we learned that some participants left their homes and loved ones in areas where the hurricane was headed. Yet they were at the workshop giving their attention to what was present for all of us. With the winds increasing, we were assured that the resort was used to this kind of weather. They were prepared with ample food, water, and generators. Some of the attendees were really anxious and others were calm. I was among the calm, but concerned. As devastating as hurricanes are, you can prepare, whereas, the tornadoes I experienced in Kansas left little time to prepare and the earthquakes at home in California just happen with no warning. So we went to bed and awoke to more wind. We walked up to the meeting rooms for the opening mindfulness practice with the wind howling and a view of a very turbulent ocean. The wind...